Helicor StressEraser: Brain Training Product Review Survey

As part of our ongo­ing mar­ket research we’d like to ask past and cur­rent users of Helicor prod­ucts to share their expe­ri­ence with us via this 3‑question anony­mous sur­vey.  Please take this sur­vey if you have used a Helicor prod­uct your­self or have seen some­one else use it.

Take this 3‑question Survey

Please note that we do not endorse this prod­uct (or any oth­er) or any of the claims below. We inde­pen­dently track and ana­lyze emerg­ing brain/ cog­ni­tive sci­ence, tech­nol­ogy and inno­va­tion, and their real-world appli­ca­tions. This sur­vey helps us learn more about the latter.

Com­pany name: Helicor Inc.

Com­pany descrip­tion (in their own words, in their own web­site): “Helicor, Inc. offers StressEras­er, a portable med­ical device that relax­es the body and calms the mind. The com­pa­ny was for­mer­ly known as Helicore, Inc. Helicor, Inc. was incor­po­rat­ed in 2003 and is based in New York, New York.”

Main prod­uct name/s: Stress Eras­er — for all ages.

Prod­uct descrip­tion (in their own words, in their own web­site): “The StressEras­er is state-of-the-art med­ical tech­nol­o­gy – portable, drug-free and non-inva­sive. The premise behind StressEras­er stress relief is sim­ple and has been used in prac­tice by physi­cians, psy­chol­o­gists and med­i­ta­tion experts for more than three decades. We all know that slow­ing down your breath­ing can slow down your heart rate and help you relax. The StressEras­er cues you to not only slow your breath­ing but, just as impor­tant­ly, to syn­chro­nize your inhales and exhales with the nat­ur­al cycle of your heart rate. Here’s how it works:

From beat to beat, your heart rate nat­u­ral­ly increas­es and decreas­es in a cycle, known as HRV, or Heart Rate Vari­abil­i­ty. Using a harm­less infrared sen­sor, the StressEras­er mea­sures HRV from the pulse in your fin­ger­tip. The StressEras­er Breath­wave® actu­al­ly dis­plays the time between your heart beats – known as the inter-beat interval.

HRV is con­sid­ered to be the most accu­rate, non-inva­sive mea­sure­ment of your ner­vous sys­tem activ­i­ty. HRV biofeed­back is clin­i­cal­ly proven in decades of peer-reviewed research to pro­mote stress relief and relax­ation training.

The StressEras­er Breath­wave is like a win­dow into your ner­vous sys­tem. When you’re stressed, your wave is jagged and spiky; when you’re relaxed, your wave becomes smooth and con­sis­tent, like a sine wave. StressEras­er HRV is so accu­rate that you can actu­al­ly see the impact of your inhales, your exhales and your thoughts on your heart rate cycle.

That’s because the wave reflects the activ­i­ty of your vagus nerve, which extends from your brain to your heart and branch­es out to your major organs. The vagus nerve is the pri­ma­ry nerve in your parasym­pa­thet­ic sys­tem, which acti­vates your body’s nat­ur­al relax­ation response. Because the vagus nerve is gov­erned by your brain, dis­tract­ing thoughts actu­al­ly appear as a “break” in your StressEras­er wave.”

To learn more about Sharp­Brains’ gen­eral analy­sis of emerg­ing sci­ence, com­pa­nies, tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts, please see…

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SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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