Nova Vision: Brain Training Product Review Survey

As part of our ongo­ing mar­ket research we’d like to ask past and cur­rent users of Nova Vision prod­ucts to share their expe­ri­ence with us via this 3‑question anony­mous sur­vey. Please take this sur­vey if you have used a Nova Vision prod­uct your­self or have seen some­one else use it.

Take this 3‑question Survey

Please note that we do not endorse this prod­uct (or any oth­er) or any of the claims below. We inde­pen­dently track and ana­lyze emerg­ing brain/ cog­ni­tive sci­ence, tech­nol­ogy and inno­va­tion, and their real-world appli­ca­tions. This sur­vey helps us learn more about the latter.

Com­pany name: Nova Vision.

Com­pany descrip­tion (in their own words, in their own web­site): “NovaV­i­sion, Inc. devel­ops med­ical devices based on its plat­form tech­nol­o­gy which uses the eyes as con­duits to deliv­er light-based stim­uli to the brain for treat­ment of a vari­ety of con­di­tions that may respond to such stimulation.”

Main prod­uct name/s: NovaV­i­sion VRT — for all ages.

Prod­uct descrip­tion (in their own words, in their own web­site): “Nova Vision VRT is specif­i­cal­ly devel­oped for patients who suf­fer from a visu­al field deficit result­ing from a neu­ro­log­i­cal trau­ma caused by either stroke or trau­mat­ic brain injury (TBI).   It is a home-based pro­gram per­formed in the com­fort of your home on a com­put­er device.  Dur­ing a 30-minute ses­sion, you will focus on a cen­tral point on the device screen and respond when­ev­er you see a light stim­u­lus appear. Any type of reha­bil­i­ta­tion, after a stroke or brain injury, reg­u­lar prac­tice is impor­tant and with Vision Restora­tion Ther­a­py a patient can actu­al­ly enhance visu­al field loss if done per­sis­tent­ly by an aver­age of 5°.  In a ret­ro­spec­tive study, 88% of VRT patients have men­tioned receiv­ing at least one sig­nif­i­cant ben­e­fit as a result of per­form­ing VRT, such as improved read­ing, mobil­i­ty, and social com­fort­a­bil­i­ty¹.  VRT can help recov­er Hemi­anopia, Quad­ran­tanopia and, Sco­toma type of vision loss, which are com­mon after a stroke or TBI.”

To learn more about Sharp­Brains’ gen­eral analy­sis of emerg­ing sci­ence, com­pa­nies, tech­nolo­gies and prod­ucts, please see…

About SharpBrains

SHARPBRAINS is an independent think-tank and consulting firm providing services at the frontier of applied neuroscience, health, leadership and innovation.
SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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