Brain Fitness Essentials

This Huff­in­g­ton Post arti­cle is writ­ten by Dr. Cyn­thia Green, an active mem­ber of the Friends of Inno­va­tion to Enhance Brain Fit­ness group on LinkedIn. A good reminder of what we should all do to boost our brain fitness:

get­ting off the couch and on your feet

main­tain­ing a healthy weight with a low ratio of bel­ly fat

Lead­ing a brain-health­ful lifestyle

Play games against the clock

Learn sim­ple strate­gies to enhance your dai­ly recall

Look for activ­i­ties out of your com­fort zone

Let’s add to this list man­ag­ing your stress (via med­i­ta­tion or phys­i­cal exer­cise for instance), stay­ing social­ly con­nect­ed, and read­ing inter­est­ing and stim­u­lat­ing posts! For more info, revis­it our read­ers’ favorite one: The Ten Habits of High­ly Effec­tive Brains


  1. Hiit on June 18, 2011 at 9:54

    I think med­i­ta­tion helps a lot

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