How do I know if computer-based brain fitness programs work?

ArtificialibrainHere is ques­tion nine of 25 from Brain Fit­ness 101: Answers to Your Top 25 Ques­tions. To down­load the com­plete ver­sion, please click here.

How do I know if com­put­er-based brain fit­ness pro­grams work?

Key Points:

  • Research the prod­uct and the names involved with the prod­uct to see what has been published.
  • Look for arti­cles in high cal­iber, peer-reviewed journals.
  • Ask for referrals.
  • Assess­ments done before you begin and then after your train­ing allow you to track your performance.
  • Observe your­self. How do you feel after doing the train­ing? Do you feel sharper?

Always ask the questions:

What does the spe­cif­ic pro­gram look like? How many hours for how many weeks will it take to accom­plish what goals? Some pro­grams leave it so open-end­ed that it is unclear how users are sup­posed to get what ben­e­fits. The pro­gram should be clear and easy to fol­low with a clear sense of where you are head­ed and how you are get­ting there.

Who designed the pro­gram? What are their cre­den­tials? Look for the sci­en­tists, uni­ver­si­ties, and/or hos­pi­tals behind the pro­gram. A good soft­ware pro­gram will have many peo­ple involved, and par­tic­u­lar­ly some sci­en­tists or physi­cians to be sure it works.

Has the pro­gram been test­ed in rig­or­ous sci­en­tif­ic stud­ies? Peer-reviewed aca­d­e­m­ic jour­nals have a lengthy sys­tem involved to try to ensure stud­ies are done eth­i­cal­ly and are valid. Use a search engine like PubMed to find the names of the sci­en­tists behind the program.

Do any ben­e­fits trans­fer to real life and to our cog­ni­tive abil­i­ties? Effec­tive brain fit­ness pro­grams trans­fer into an expand­ed “mental muscle” or cog­ni­tive abil­i­ty that will help you in real-life chal­lenges beyond the spe­cif­ic game you learned.

Do exist­ing users rec­om­mend it? Some pro­grams are more user-friend­ly than oth­ers. Giv­en that we are talk­ing about fit­ness pro­grams, not med­ical inter­ven­tions, the pro­grams must place rea­son­able demands for you to com­plete, oth­er­wise you sim­ply may not fin­ish it and not reap the benefits.

Do you notice an improve­ment in your­self after using it? If in doubt, try it and see for your­self. Do you feel sharp­er and more men­tal­ly fit since try­ing the soft­ware? If you are fol­low­ing the guide­lines, you should be able to notice a dif­fer­ence in your abilities.

Fur­ther Reading


  1. Susan Diamond on March 29, 2007 at 1:51

    Dear Alvaro,
    I would like to speak with you. You can read about me on my website.
    I have been teach­ing Brain Fit­ness for ten years.
    I am con­nect­ed with Cog­nifit and Shlomo.
    I did­n’t meet you at ASA in Chica­go if you were there.
    since I’m in this field now, after 35 years in Senior Ser­vices in many roles, please call me, 650–346-6590.
    I have taught my 10 week class in many Senior Cen­ters and Assist­ed Liv­ing and I am train­ing caregivers.
    Per­haps I could link in with you.
    Please answer.
    Susan Diamond
    MSW, MS

  2. Susan Diamond on March 29, 2007 at 1:53

    Dear Alvaro,
    I would like to speak with you. You can read about me on my website. 

    I did­n’t meet you at ASA in Chica­go if you were there.

    I have been in Senior Ser­vices for over 30 years in many roles. Please call me, 650–346-6590.

    Susan Diamond
    MSW, MS

  3. Alvaro on March 29, 2007 at 5:29

    Susan, nice to meet you.

    Good idea; let’s discuss.

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SHARPBRAINS es un think-tank y consultoría independiente proporcionando servicios para la neurociencia aplicada, salud, liderazgo e innovación.

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