Quick synapses into other science and education blogs - SharpBrains
1) Zack from Neu­roIn­sights is talk­ing with Chris Mur­ray at the Har­vard School of Pub­lic Health about research­ing Neu­rotech­noso­cioe­co­nom­ics and the Glob­al Bur­den of Brain Dis­ease. The report, which would be spon­sored by the Neu­rotech­nol­o­gy Indus­try Orga­ni­za­tion, would seek to cal­cu­late the eco­nom­ic bur­den for spe­cif­ic ill­ness­es includ­ing Alzheimer’s dis­ease, addic­tion, anx­i­ety, atten­tion dis­or­ders, depres­sion,…
Alvaro Fernandez