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Found­ed in 2006, is the top inde­pen­dent source of news, analy­sis and infor­ma­tion­al resources for the cog­ni­tive health and brain fit­ness field.

  • Sharp­Brains’ con­sumer guide was recent­ly select­ed by AARP as one of Best Books on Brain Fit­ness.
  • Sharp­Brains’ annu­al vir­tu­al con­fer­ence gath­ers over 200 sci­en­tists, tech­nol­o­gists, entre­pre­neurs and health­care pro­fes­sion­als worldwide.
  • Sharp­Brains’ team and infor­ma­tion are often quot­ed by media out­lets such as The New York Times, The Wall Street Jour­nal, Los Ange­les Times, CNN, AP, Reuters, New Sci­en­tist, and more.

Reach a Growing and Influential Audience

  • Month­ly page views: 300,000+
  • Month­ly unique vis­i­tors: 90,000+
  • eNewslet­ter: 45,000+ subscribers
  • Google PageR­ank: 6
  • Face­book “Like This”: 3,500+
  • Twit­ter fol­low­ers: 2,500+
  • LinkedIn Group Mem­bers: 900+

The fol­low­ing fig­ures come from a large read­er­ship sur­vey (n=2,087 respon­dents) con­duct­ed in Jan­u­ary 2009. You can click on any chart to see details.

Very high­ly educated:

      • 14% hold a PhD or MD
      • 44% hold a Post­grad­u­ate Degree
      • 37% hold a Bach­e­lor’s Degree

High House­hold Income:

  • 32% indi­cate over $100,000
  • 30% indi­cate $60,000 — $100,000
  • 24% indi­cate $30,000 — $60,000

Both pro­fes­sion­als and consumers:

  • 33% indi­cate Pro­fes­sion­al Rea­sons as pri­ma­ry rea­son for interest
  • 67% indi­cate Per­son­al Reasons

Slight­ly more Female:

  • 59% are Female
  • 41% are Male
  • .

Baby Boomers are here:

  • 52% indi­cate 40–59 years of age
  • .
  • .

Advertising Options

1) “Spon­sor of the Month” Pre­mi­um Pro­mo­tion: Leader­board Ban­ner (468 x 80)

  • Live ad at top of email mes­sage sent to 38,000+ opt-in Month­ly eNewslet­ter Subscribers
  • Live ad at top of eNewslet­ter blog post in Home Page (stays in Home Page for 2–3 weeks)
  • Yes, only one “Spon­sor of the Month” per month. And we work with you to ensure your pro­mo­tion is rel­e­vant and attrac­tive to our audience.
  • Rate: $2,500
  • Inter­est­ed? Please con­tact us direct­ly via this Con­tact Us form.

Exam­ple (with­out the live link):

2) “Above the Fold” Blog Pro­mo­tions: Square (250 x 250) and Half Ban­ner (234 x 60) 

Want to buy ads direct­ly on You can now com­plete an order in 3 easy steps through our ad-plat­form part­ner isock­et. To use the self-ser­vice plat­form:
1. Pick the ad inven­to­ry you wish to pur­chase, start­ing as low as $275/ week.
2. Check date availability.
3. Place your order: reg­is­ter, pay, upload your creative.

Please Click Here or the image below to learn about options, rates and avail­abil­i­ty.

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